
Tricks and Treats week Oct half term

We are pleased to let you know that Kidszone will be offering holiday care this October half term (26 to 29 Oct).  We will be operating in a similar way as Summer and we will have a theme of ‘Tricks and Treats’ for the week so that we can capture the excitement and fun of Halloween.  UPDATE: see our day to day activity plan here.

Kidszone will be operating in line with government guidance for holiday care settings and in order to make Kidszone safe for children and staff we will: 

  • Have consistent bubbles of up to 15 children.
  • Open 9am until 5.30pm each day to allow for cleaning before and after each day
  • Have separate arrival and departure points/doors for each bubble
  • Divide the scout hut main room into two – so that resources and spaces can be kept separate
  • Have one bubble outside at any one time to keep bubbles separate
  • Have a separate toilet for each bubble accessible from their area of the main room
  • Encourage hand washing throughout the day, upon arrival and leaving, before and after eating snack and lunch and have hand sanitiser available indoors and outdoors in each bubble
  • Have tissues and lidded bins available to each bubble indoors and outdoors
  • Have an enhanced cleaning regime before, during and after each days activities
  • Serve healthy snacks in the morning and afternoon 
  • Clean all resources/toys/games after use or put in 72 hr quarantine.
  • Continue to offer a wide range of craft activities, games and sports fun adapted where necessary to ensure these are Covid safe. 
  • Undertake an additional full Covid risk assessment of all activities and operations.

We will also put in place procedures to protect you when dropping off and collecting your child such as no parents/carers insider of the scout hut, clear 2m marking outside of the scout hut.

Booking open now for October 2020

  1. Kidszone October Holiday Care is running Mon/Tues/Weds/Thurs (26 – 29 Oct) we will not be opening on Friday 30 October 
  2. Parents who book at least 3 days in the week will be given priority (this is because we are limited to how many children we can have) 
  3. You do not have to book all days but the more days you book the more likely you are to get a place. 
  4. Once a place is reserved and confirmed we require 7 days written notice if you wish to cancel your place and receive a refund. If your child has to self isolate as advised by a public health official or test and trace and you are unable to provide 7 days notice then please let us know as soon as possible and we will issue a credit against these sessions.
  5. In the event that Kidszone is not able to operate – then you would be refunded any unused sessions. 
  6. Bookings can be made by using the online enquiry form or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating dates required, name and age of child and a contact phone number.
  7. Daily rate is £27 per day per child. We are not offering half days or early booking discounts at this time. 

If you are interested then we would encourage you to book as soon as possible to secure your place. You will be sent a confirmation email upon receipt of your booking details.

If you have any questions please get in touch. Please read  the latest government guidance for parents for out of school settings.

Kidszone Team